A Gap

Reflections on the deliberate felling of ‘The Robin Hood Tree’ at Sycamore Gap in Northumberland

Personal Project

During the night on the 27th of September 2023 the sycamore tree which is stood alone in a dip of the hillside along Hadrian’s Wall, Northumberland was deliberately felled in an act of vandalism.

The spot known as Sycamore Gap is internationally known appearing in many television series and famously in the 1991 movie Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves. This has made it one of the most photographed places in the UK and locally represented a sense of regional identity and pride.

These images were made the following day of passers by and those who had made a pilgrimage to the area to reflect on what the tree had meant to them.

Ian Sproat

Ian is a local photographer who had photographed Sycamore Gap many times. He was one of the first people on the scene and headed there as soon as he heard rumours. He stands with a small branch he was permitted to take from the felled tree, he plans to try and nurture a sapling from it.

“They’ve just destroyed a part of the North East. It’s like cutting down the Tyne Bridge, it’s just as monumental.

A big part of the North East is now gone.”

Heather and Raija

Raija visiting from Sweden with her Aunt Heather.

They have visited many times over the years and formed many memories on Raija’s visits to the region, it’s always part of what they do together.

“A beautiful tree and very sad that someone made a decision to cut it down. The person could have changed their mind but chose to go through with it”

Robyn Vinter, reporter for The Guardian and Margaret Anderson, National Park Ranger

“Everyone can do something in the heat of a moment but to make a conscious decision…

Is it someone angry with the world enough to lash out?

It’s frightening to think of it in those terms.”

Rod Sinclair


Adrian is a local amateur photographer.

“I’ve photographed the tree thousands of times. Whenever I get a new camera or lens I always christen it with an image of the tree from the gatepost”

Tracey Thompson

Tracey had made the journey from North Yorkshire with friends for a planned walk.

“We’d planned this as a bit of a memory walk.

Just before Covid this was the last place I came with my Mum before she died. We had a picnic next to the tree”

Mark Pinder, Photographer on assignment for The Guardian

Sophie and Sally

Spending a couple of days hiking together in the area.

“We have had loads of messages about the tree from people who knew we were here on this trip. We remember the it from Robin Hood, it’s so sad”

“I worry it reflects badly on my generation”

James and Millie

James who is aged 16 walks Millie here every week. He attends a local sixth form where the school crest bears an image of Sycamore Gap. A boy the same age as James has been arrested in connection with the vandalism.

“On Thursday morning rumours started circulating around school that the tree had been cut down, nobody could believe it had happened, we thought they were fake.

I worry it reflects badly on my generation”


Ren Lawton


The First Supermarket